About Vanessa
I'm an artist and mother and Rhode Islander. I like to play with my food. Learn more about me and this blog.
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Save yourself hours in the kitchen, money spent on last minute meals out, and lots of unnecessary stress with Real Food Meal Plans. FREE sample-
Should Whole Foods “Close All Its Meat Counters”? (No.)
An open letter to James McWilliams and anyone who has signed or is considering signing the petition asking Whole Foods to “close all its meat counters”: You say you care about the humane treatment of animals. Then why not spend your time going after the factory farms, or Confined Animal… Read on
Hot Toddy
The first time I remember having a hot toddy—a warm alcoholic beverage used to warm and heal, what’s better than that—was at an Irish pub in Amsterdam. For my whole trip there, I had a massive head cold. During the day I wandered the city, using what little brain power I… Read on
Contrarian Spirit
A friend of mine sometimes refers to a person or an institution as having a “contrarian spirit.” He generally means it in a positive way, but it can of course have negative connotations too. Personally, I’ve never been crazy about the label “contrarian” or anything resembling it. To me, being… Read on
Quote: “The business of food science is in conflict with the poetry of human nourishment.”
“In the opening paragraphs of his classic Soil and Civilization, Edwards Hyams decries how modern misapplication of science has caused humans to ‘begin working across or against the grain of life.’ Hyams notes how science, when it becomes master rather than servant, displaces the age-old natural wisdom that has maintained… Read on
Salmon, Vegetables, and Kelp Noodles in a Vegetable-Cream Sauce
I marinated salmon filets all day in lime juice, olive oil, salt and pepper, and some Caleb Treeze Stops Acid Reflux (apple cider vinegar and ginger and garlic juices) we randomly acquired. I sauteéd them quickly on medium heat for a couple of minutes on each side, then put them aside…. Read on
Link: “moving from a ‘paleo diet’ to a ‘paleo template’”
I’ve been learning about and following (more or less, off and on) a paleo or primal diet/lifestyle for several years now. These ideas have been gathering steam lately, so that at least the term “paleo” is something that many people have heard of. With the strengthening of and adherence to… Read on
A Rant About Crap-Food*
This morning we ate at a standard-American family restaurant. It was pretty bad, and left me feeling gross and vaguely gut-sick. My kid barely ate his food, and I couldn’t blame him; it tasted like chemicals. I know I am especially sensitive, but I am reminded just how processed and… Read on
Quote: A Balanced Diet
“In spite of all the talk and study about our next years, and all the silent ponderings about what lies within them for our sons [sic], it seems plain to us that many things are wrong in the present ones which can be, must be changed. Our texture of belief has great holes… Read on