Welcome, readers of The Montague Reporter! This post is especially for you, an addendum to my May 12 column, “The Surprising History of Menstrual Care, Part 2.” Thank you for joining me. 🙂 (I am a ciswoman—I identify as a woman and was assigned female at birth—and write from that perspective.) I learned about menstrual […]
Protected: Oystergirl’s Guide to Real Living #14: The Surprising History of Menstrual Care, Part 1
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
A few thoughts on hygiene
1.) The concept of good hygiene is cultural, not biological. 2.). Our bodies have several self-cleaning mechanisms, one of which is the skin (with assistance from hair and hair follicles). 3.) The combination of frequent washing and synthetic products can disrupt the skin’s self-cleaning process. 4.) You might never guess that the people around you—the […]
Good Hygiene Is Not Always What You Think It Is: A Conversation
In part 1 of “Good Hygiene Is Not Always What You Think It Is”, I began the story of how I changed from the constantly-compulsively-cleaning agent of mainstream synthetic hygiene I grew up as, to the crunchy, hairy, au natural, only mildly dirty hippie you smell before you. In part 2 of “Good Hygiene Is Not […]
Good Hygiene Is Not Always What You Think It Is (Part 2)
In part 1 of “Good Hygiene Is Not Always What You Think It Is”, I began the story of how I changed from the constantly-compulsively-cleaning agent of mainstream synthetic hygiene I grew up as, to the crunchy, hairy, au natural, only mildly dirty hippie you smell before you. It began when I was 20 and continued […]
Good Hygiene Is Not Always What You Think It Is (Part 1)
I have a very live-and-let-live approach to my hygiene. I agree to not bludgeon my body’s natural cleaning processes into submission with the use of synthetic commercial products, and in exchange, my body stays clean and socially acceptable with just a tiny amount of work on my part. I was not always this way. I […]
Homemade Tooth Powder and Mouthwash
Check out my guest post over at Healthy Roots, Happy Soul for recipes for tooth powder, mouthwash, and a toothache remedy.
Quote: “everything is anti-bacterial now”
“If you watch advertisements, or cruise the supermarket shelves, you can’t fail to notice that everything is anti-bacterial now, as if common household bacteria have suddenly become as exotic and deadly as Ebola. “It’s a great marketing coup, but potentially a dangerous one. In our enthusiasm for all things anti-bacterial we are, thanks to the […]