im•bibe. verb. 1.) to consume, to drink; 2.) to absorb, to soak up; 3.) to take or receive into the mind, as knowledge, ideas, or the like.
Imbibed will be a monthly link-love post. It will feature links to articles blogging-comrades of mine have written, and all will be topics of the like you’ll find covered in this blog here.
Here are some blog posts I’ve really enjoyed this month:
- Fearless Eating gives us five reasons to not become a vegetarian (here’s part 2), calling into question the mainstream myth that vegetarianism is inherently healthier and more sustainable.
- Not just food! Coconut oil is a favorite of mine, so I will definitely be trying some of Empowered Sustenance’s 10 Uses for Coconut Oil That You Haven’t Tried.
- I love bone broth. I will always link to posts about bone broth, such as Health Extremist’s Bone Broth’s Health Benefits and How to Make Bone Broth. Plus Nourished Kitchen’s post on both broth.
- Hooray for fermentation! Love & Wild Honey teaches us about lacto-fermented drinks and how to make beet and carrot-ginger kvass. Real Food Forager teaches us how to make kombucha. Granny’s Vital Vittles shows us an easy way to make sauerkraut. Nourished Kitchen shows us how to make moroccan preserved lemons. Girl Meets Nourishment shows us how to make homemade fermented pickles.
- Honest to Goodness Living gives us 5 Baby Steps to Becoming a Real Foodie, which is a good primer to share with your friends and to go back to whenever you’re in need of inspiration.
- Also good for newbies and oldies alike, The Elliott Homestead shares 15 Painless Steps To Improve Your Diet.
- Hot chocolate is medicinal, hooray! Homemade Dutch Apple Pie shares a recipe for and fun facts about healing hot chocolate. In addition to this, she shares simple ways to add nutrition to your day.
- Another new look at an oft-demonized beverage, The Nourished Life gives us the health benefits of coffee.
- Real Food Suomi renewed her Weston A. Price Foundation membership. I’ve thus far avoided joining myself for financial reasons, but she’s convinced me it’s well worth it.
- Check out DJ Foodie’s gorgeous cobb salad recipe.
- I’ve been blessed with a little gastronome, but he still goes through the standard picky phases. Kids+Love+Acupuncture offers a survival guide for picky eaters.
- There are tons of resources for sleeping better, but Actual Organics’ post on getting a good night’s sleep has some new ideas and fresh takes on old ones.
- I’ve shared this a few times already, because it is awesome and it works: Homemade Mommy’s No Flu ‘Tea’ recipe is made with one of my favorite ingredients: chicken stock.
- I love taking baths. I love epsom salt. Health Extremist teaches us about the benefits of an epsom salt detox bath.
- Speaking of holistic health, Oh Lardy! give us 5 reasons to see a chiropractor.
- Courtney from The Polivka Family gives us an update on water-washing her hair (which I too have been doing for years).
- She also says, in a post called I am a fashion rebel: “I do not want to wear makeup. I do not want to have to fix my hair. I do not want to wear jeans that are too tight or shirts that pinch my armpits. I do not want to wear heels that make my ankles ache or hurt my back. I do not want to have to make myself smell like cucumber melon or summer-berry splash.” To which I reply, RIGHT ON, SISTER!
- I like exercise but I also like just trying to be more active in every-day life. I’ve got the running-after-a-toddler down, and Too Many Jars in my Kitchen is starting a series on building exercise into your day.
- My default is to be wary of vaccines. I like to research them in, in non-mainstream sources. Life By Jeanie discusses flu shots. Holistic Squid discusses recent whooping cough “epidemics” and the pertussis vaccine.
- Breastfeeding rocks! My two-year-old is a pro, but we did have a rough start, so I know that education is key. For those of you just getting started, Nourishing Joy offers some breastfeeding tips.
- Small Footprint Family writes a beautiful and compelling call for radical simplicity and offers ways to simplify your life.
- Don’t get me wrong; I enjoy exercise. But enjoying it is key; Our Nourishing Roots gives us reasons not to work out.
- Wide Awake, Half Asleep offers 5 steps to a low-stress birth.
- Nourishing Minimalism shares 7 Reasons to Live a Minimalistic Lifestyle.
- Thank Your Body has two great posts for a healthy home: how to make a homemade air freshener and 3 ways to improve indoor air quality.
- Whole Green Love shares a wonderful relaxing Homemade Lavender Vanilla Linen Spray.
- Healy Real Food Vegetarian shows us how to season a cast iron skillet.
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STANDARD FTC DISCLOSURE: In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial, and/or link to any products or services from this blog. Please note that I only ever endorse products that are in alignment with my ideals and that I believe would be of value to my readers.
Thanks for mentioning my post! I’m really enjoying your blog!
Vanessa Query says
You’re welcome; thank you; and right back atcha! 🙂
ninjanurse says
You’ll be my ‘go to’ site for natural health. I like your pro-coffee stand.
Vanessa Query says
Thanks, glad to have you here.
Thank you for sharing our linen spray recipe! 🙂