Check out my dynamic work station! Credit for much of this goes to Nutritious Movement and especially Don’t Just Sit There. Follow me on Periscope: @oystergirl.
Movement Manna: Horizontal Rock Climbing
A photo posted by Vanessa aka Oystergirl (@theycallmeoystergirl) on Nov 9, 2015 at 8:26am PST One of my all-time favorite ways to move, for as long as I can remember. And it’s something I’ve always been good at. Despite the chronic pain and fatigue, easily-pulled muscles, unstable joints and trick knees that have plagued me […]
What Paleo Means to Me (a non-dogmatic view)
Paleo? You may be asking… Do you live on bacon and kale and CrossFitting* in your Vibram Five Fingers**? Paleo has been blowing up lately and as a result there’s a lot of weird ideas about what it is, and a lot of people getting really dogmatic about it. For me, this sums it up well […]
Vibram Five Fingers: Shoes For People Who Hate Shoes
I have always preferred going barefoot. But it wasn’t until about five years ago that I learned that wearing shoes can actually be bad for you. According to Women’s Sports & Fitness (Cheryl Sacra, August 1994, cited in Society for Barefoot Living): “[T]he skin on the soles of your feet resists abrasions and blistering and that going barefoot is beneficial […]