I’ve been posting on social media lately, raving about my homemade egg nog.
Chocolate Raspberry Cookie Recipe (paleo, grain-free, gluten-free, dairy-free)
I’m quite new to this whole baking thing. I feel lucky in that I don’t have the standard knowledge of baking to have to unlearn. I wouldn’t know what to do if you dropped white flour, white sugar, and Crisco in front of me, but give me some almond flour, eggs, and coconut palm sugar, […]
Banana Carob Cake Recipe (paleo, grain-free, gluten-free, dairy-free)
I’m not much of a baker. I do most of my cooking on the stovetop. But I’ve been getting more and more comfortable with paleo baking recipes. I have a pretty perpetual sweet tooth. But, being prone to low blood sugar and digestive ills, I try to lay off the desserts. And I like them […]
Homemade Hot Cocoa Recipe
I used to make a hot-cocoa mix to be made and served at my college cafe. I called it Vee’s Magical Hot Cocoa. And magical it is. Not only will it kick the buns of any hot cocoa you’ve ever had (let alone made yourself), its variations are nearly infinite, to fit any dietary restriction […]
Grain-Free Sweets: Get This Book (with Recipe)
I really, really love sweets. But starches and sugars don’t love me. So I’ve had grain- and refined-sugar-free goodies, and I find that not only do they agree with my body and brain better, they are frequently tastier, richer, and more satisfying than their mainstream counterparts. Carol from Ditch the Wheat has created an e-cookbook […]
Traditional Family Chocolate Bread Pudding Recipe
I grew up eating the most amazing chocolate bread pudding the world has ever known, which came from my great-grandmother. I’m not sure if it came from her originally; that’s as far back as I can trace it. My mother remembers that her mother often made it for my grandfather (who would have grown up […]